Luftwaffe - große Verleihungsurkunde für das Deutsches Kreuz in Gold für der Ritterkreuzträger Hauptmann Georg Fanderl, Kampfgeschwader 51 "Edelweiss"

großformatige Verleihungsurkunde für das Deutsche Kreuz in Gold, als Hauptmann, ausgestellt am 5. Dezember 1944 mit Faksimili Unterschrift Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring. Mehrfach gefaltet, Zustand 2-.

Fanderl, Georg (Kampfgeschwader 51 "Edelweiss")
Date of birth: August 6th, 1917 (Nürnberg)
Date of death: January 4th, 1953 (Nürnberg)
26.09.1939: 1. Staffel, Kampfgeschader 51 'Edelweiss'
August 1940: 1./ KG 51 25.02.1941: Feldwebel, awarded the Ehrenpokal 03.05.1941: Feldwebel, 1. Staffel, KG 51, Luftflotte 4, WIA and British POW with Ju 88A-5 Werknummer 6327 coded "9K + LH" when attacked by British fighters during an air raid on shipping in Suda Bay, Crete - succeeded to bail out and reach their raft with his Radio-Operator Feldwebel Gustav Schreiber and by the British after 17 hours in the raft - later repatriated by German paratroops - remaining crew : -Observer Hauptmann Dietrich Illgner, KIA -Gunner, Unteroffizier Hans Conze, KIA 24.01.1942: Feldwebel, 1./ KG 51, awarded the Ritterkreuz for his success against enemy warships and shipping off England and in the Black Sea 00.05.1942: claimed to have heavily damaged a cruiser and sunk 65,000 GRT of shipping region Crimea 16.05.1942: reported MIA with Ju 88A-4 Werknummer 1104 coded "9K + MH" and WIA when attacked by Soviet fighters south of Tomarovka, near Nowoberetzki - other crew returned and his Radio-Operator Feldwebel Gustav Schreiber also WIA and sent to a Lazarett 00.06.1942: promoted to Leutnant 01.04.1943: promo to Oberleutnant - RDA 01.06.1941 00.00.1943: Stafü, 1. Staffel, Kampfgeschwader 51 'Edelweiss' 09.01.1944: Olt, transferred to III. Gruppe, Kampfgeschwader 6 30.01.1944-24.03.1944: Olt, Stafü, 9. Staffel, Kampfgeschwader 6 24.03.1944-00.10.1944: Olt, Staka, 9./ KG 6 01.07.1944: promoted to Hauptmann 01.12.1944-00.01.1945: Hptm., Staka, 3./ Erg. KG (J) 00.03.1945-30.04.1945: Hptm., Staka, 10./ KG 76 and 9./ Erg. KG 1 00.05.1945: Hptm., Staka, IV. Gruppe, KG 76